I have write permissions on a KV Store lookup. When I try to press "delete" on the Lookup Editor app, it says "Lookup file could not be deleted". I'm not trying to delete information, I want to delete the whole lookup. How can I do this?
To delete the config for the collection, rather than the records within it, use:
curl -k -u admin:changeme -X DELETE https://<host>:8089/servicesNS/nobody/<app>/storage/collections/config/<collection>
Deleting the transform lookup configuration may still work, but this is the solution currently provided in the Splunk docs at https://dev.splunk.com/enterprise/docs/developapps/manageknowledge/kvstore/usetherestapitomanagekv/
Have you tried to send DELETE call to
you might need to change nobody to specific user if the lookup is defined having user and not app level permission.
for example using curl
curl -X DELETE \
I tried to use clean command, on the server it said "deleted" but Lookup Editor still claims the lookup exists.
The simple command "|outputlookup " won't help me because I want to delete the lookup table itself and not just the data.
Try the following command
curl -k -u splunkadmin:splunkadmin --request DELETE https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/splunkadmin/search/data/transforms/lookups/lookuptest
splunkadmin is the username/password
lookuptest is the definition name.
search is the app name
Sorry, I tried and it says "curl: (35) TCP connection reset by peer" even after replacing the values you mentioned ever with different admin users.
Is there no way to use the GUI to delete?
Try the above command and let me know.