Now, I set up Splunk Mint. I want to collect App log by http event collector(HEC).
I have to use TLS1.2 between mobile app and HEC.
So, I already config as follows;
- On setting of HTTP Event Collector : checked "Enable SSL"
In Android Studio, I write a code
- Mint.initAndStartSessionHEC(this.getApplication(), "", "my_token");
And then, when I run this code in Android Studio.
This error is occurred.
"Transmitting Exception unexpected end of stream on Connection{, proxy=DIRECT@ cipherSuite=none protocol=http/1.1} (recycle count=0)"
I think I have to write more code or set up configuration in App Source for TLS connection.
Plz, let me know what I have to do.
Thank so much.
I resolved this issue.
Actually, this issue is not relative with Mint SDK.
On HEC have to has SSL Certificates.
Splunk give us a self-signed certificate, but the security policy is not allow self-signed certificates.
So if you want to collect app log by https protocol through HEC, you have to set up certificates on HEC server.
Hava a good day!!!
I resolved this issue.
Actually, this issue is not relative with Mint SDK.
On HEC have to has SSL Certificates.
Splunk give us a self-signed certificate, but the security policy is not allow self-signed certificates.
So if you want to collect app log by https protocol through HEC, you have to set up certificates on HEC server.
Hava a good day!!!