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Execute sql command on dbconnect


I have queries that does not run on db connect, but it will be run on informix server and return result.
What is the reason?

select * from syscolumns;
select * from systables a, systables b;
update t1 set rowsize = rowsize +100;

alt text

alt text


0 Karma

Ultra Champion

It looks like the user you have configured in DB Connect does not have permission to access that table.
From the left side navigation, your DBX user can only see the table "flags_text"

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
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User have full access and table list continue when i scroll down, it’s not in screenshot.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

ah! 🙂

I don't know anything about informix, is t1 a table you see in that list, or is it some kind of alias?
In any case, Splunk is saying that it can't see it, have you tried running that query against the server with the DBX user?

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!
0 Karma


I’m wondering how can I write simple sql command to join two table in splunk.

For e.g. when I run below query give me syntax error.
SELECT * FROM "sysmaster":"sysadtinfo". "sysbufpool"

sysmaster: database name
sysadtinfo: table1
sysbufpool: table2

Is this right syntax?

0 Karma
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