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Does anyone have any experience pulling data from Qradar (API) to Splunk??


Hey friends

Anyone have any experience pulling data from Qradar (API) to Splunk?? (for example. the siem/offenses )

Any Python script that would do the magic?? I tried to use the REST api modular input, but could not make it work

Any help would be much appreciated. thanks!

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

hi @asimagu,

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Hi @asimagu,
You can use script to get data from QRadar and send them to Splunk.
Here is how you get events from QRadar:

  • Send a POST request to curl -X GET -k -u username:password https://?qradar-url?/api/ariel/searches --data-urlencode "query_expression="

  • If response is 201, obtain search_id from response

  • Send a GET request to /ariel/searches/{search_id} to obtain the status of the search. While the response code is 200 and the status is not 'COMPLETED' or 'ERROR', loop.

  • If the status is 'ERROR', you can use the error_messages response to obtain information. If the status is 'COMPLETED', you can get the results via GET /ariel/searches/{search_id}/results

You can use python requests module instead of curl, if you want to code this script into python. Get more info about above steps:

You can use HEC to index these events into Splunk.

  • curl -k https://?splunk-url?:8088/services/collector/event -H "Authorization: Splunk HEC-token" -d '{"event": }'

Here is the detail description how can you use HEC in Splunk and how can you generate HEC token from Splunk UI:


@VatsalJagani thanks for your answer. I don´t have username and password, only a token.

0 Karma


Can you try adding -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_token>" instead of username password?
I hope you will find out how we can do this in python or other script.

0 Karma
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