Hi, got a problem with db connect and rising column checkpoint value.
The only rising column available to me is a datetime column with millisecond precision.
I tried first just using this as it is, but i did not work over time as db connect stopped indexing with an error saying that it failed to convert nvarchar to datetime2. After a bit of researching the forums here, I found out that Db connect uses simple date format that has issues with milliseconds.
The possible issue with simple date format made me decide to create a new column based on the LastUpdate datetime column, converting all datetimes to epoch time(bigInt). This works the first time Splunk ingests the data, but the next rising column checkpoint value is set to 20210105075923 = Friday 8. June 2610 06:04:35.923 after first ingestion
The highest value in the database table is 1609832657526 = Tuesday 5. January 2021 07:44:17.526
Anyone have any idea why this happens, and how to fix it?
Edit: I can see that the checkpoint value that splunk puts in corresponds to the date, or atleast it seems so. But it is not a epoch time, can it be that it still thinks I am using datetime from previous setting?
Edit2: Creating a new input using the same checkpoint field seems to have solved my issue.
Solution: Create new input using same checkpoint field as before.
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