Hello Team,
I am getting this error while running command while i have checked that i have 4.2 driver of MSSQL .
please help me
| dbxquery connection="CloudAssessment" query="select DISTINCT Hostname, cpucount, Operating_System, ram,Landing_Zone, R_Lane, App_Group from [CloudStudio].[dbo].Assessment_MGL where Hostname IS NOT NULL"
| eval cpucount = if(like(cpucount,"\"\""),'',cpucount)
| eval Operating_System = if(like(Operating_System,"\"\""),'',Operating_System)
| eval ram = if(like(ram,"\"\""),'',ram)
| table Hostname, cpucount, Operating_System, ram, Landing_Zone, R_Lane, App_Group
| dbxoutput output="Velostrata_Input"
uniqueKey not found in mappings error
We have checked we have all database fields in database .
I had the same issue. The uniqueKey has to be the first key you define.
Rebuild your connection with the uniqueKey first (or edit db_outputs.conf) and it should work.
It at least worked for me with an Oracle database.
Try downgrading Splunk DB Connect to version 3.1.4. I had the same error with versions 3.2.0 and 3.3.1.