Hi fellow Splunkers,
I am trying to use DB-Connect to enrich search results by doing a dbxlookup against a table.
This is my command:
| makeresults
| eval value_i_know_to_be_in_database="218024571471"
| dbxlookup query="SELECT * FROM my_table" connection="my_connection" DATABASE_FIELDNAME as value_i_know_to_be_in_database OUTPUT CONTENT as dbx_content
For all I know this is exactly in line with the documentation. To verify that i did not goof the query i also ran:
| dbxquery query="SELECT * FROM my_table" connection="my_connection"
| outputlookup dbxtest.csv
This returns results and looks right.
I added it to my previos search like this:
| makeresults
| eval value_i_know_to_be_in_database="218024571471"
| dbxlookup query="SELECT * FROM my_table" connection="my_connection" DATABASE_FIELDNAME as value_i_know_to_be_in_database OUTPUT CONTENT as dbx_content
| lookup dbxtest.csv DATABASE_FIELDNAME as value_i_know_to_be_in_database OUTPUT CONTENT as lookup_content
Now I get the expected value in the lookup_content field and still nothing in the dbx_content field.
I have been at this problem for multiple hours now and can't seem to get anywhere. I also tried to use a predefined lookup (which in actual production I can not use because my query needs to be dynamic). Did not work either.
At this point I don`t know what else to try. I have read the docs forward and back, but I can not get anything.
Help me answers.splunk. You are my only hope.
When you run the query from UI donyou get expected results??
Hi @SinghK ,
I go to DataLab > Lookups > New Lookups,
Step 1: Set Reference Search with time range : results as expected
Step 2: Set Lookup SQL: results as expected
Step 3: Field Mapping:
- Search Fields Match Table Columns (case sensitive)
- Lookup Fields: Table columns chosen
Preview Results:
(...) | dbxlookup connection="Pro_DB" query="SELECT TOP(1000) [SID] , [LogTime] , [DocID] FROM [Storage].[dbo].[DocStates] ORDER BY [LogTime] DESC" "SID" AS "SID" OUTPUT "LogTime" AS "Log_Time", "DocID" AS "Doc_ID"
Then I clicked on "Open In Search", only the SPL query returns result, but the dbxlookup fields are all blank.
Did you get any help or were able to find any solution?
I am also facing the same issue
Sadly no. There was no response to this question in any shape or form so far.
For now I solved my problem by running a subsearch with a join, which seems very wrong, but i couldn't solve it any other way.
Please post in here if you find anything.
Still broken.
Solved my issue by running dbxquery output to a csv lookup, then using the normal lookups.
It seems to be the only one solution for now. I have to use your solution because the bug is still there until now.