Hello all,
we use the following Cisco Apps, which are working fine in general.
Cisco Networks App for Splunk Enterprise (https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1352)
Cisco Networks Add-on for Splunk Enterprise(https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/1467)
When I edit the dashboard of the Cisco Networks App, I can find the following macro which should lead to the possiblity to select a "tenant".
Expanded it looks like this:
inputlookup cisco_ios_tenants
| stats values(index) AS index BY tenant_name,roles
| eval index=mvjoin(index,",")
| eval index=replace(index,","," OR index=")
| eval index="index=" + index
| search [| rest splunk_server=local /services/authentication/users/$user$
| fields roles]
Unfortunatelly there is no lookup (definition) named cisco_ios_tenants, not in the App nor the Addon.
I also found in the default.xml nav that there should be a " <view name="cisco_networks_tenants" />"
This does also not exist.
I'm wondering on how that tentant support works and how it could be configured.
Does anymore has information about this? I was not able to find something.
Basically what we want to achieve (maybe there is a better way of doing it):
Our network colleagues want to have the possiblity to select the data based on something like a location/region or something. As the tentant macro is implemented nearly on all dashboards, I think that could be something to solve the problem.
Thanks in advance!
Many Regards
Hi @deckemha,
I don't know this app, but usually there's a generating Lookup scheduled search to enable.
Check it in the alerts one of these apps.
Dear Giuseppe,
thanks for your reply.
That is something I've checked already. Unfortunatelly there are no saved searches / alerts in those apps doing things like creating a lookup, etc.
Many Regards
Hi @deckemha,
when I need to monitor Cisco network appliances I usually use the Cisco Security Suite (https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5743), you could see if the features you're searching are also in this app.
thanks for the hint.
For now we'll use the inital app without tenant support.
The requestor need some time to specifiy their exact requirements.
Thanks and many Regards
Hi @deckemha,
if one answer solves your need, please accept one answer for the other people of Community or tell me how I can help you.
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉