I'm trying to get a report out of my Cisco ASA VPN device using the following search report
source=*.log | xmlkv | stats first(Calling-Station-Id) as Calling-Station-Id, first(NAS-IP-Address) as NetworkDeviceName,first(User-Name) as User-Name,last(_time) as Starttime,first(_time) as Endtime,first(Acct-Session-Time) as "DURATION: in-seconds" by Acct-Session-Id |
eval Starttime=strftime(Starttime,"%+") |
eval Endtime=strftime(Endtime,"%+") |
table User-Name Starttime Endtime "DURATION: in-seconds" Calling-Station-Id
What I would like to achieve is to get the duration time in minutes. Does anybody know how to do this?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance
This will work for what your trying to do. I converted the output duration to Hours:Minutes:Seconds
source=*.log | xmlkv | stats first(Calling-Station-Id) as Calling-Station-Id, first(NAS-IP-Address) as NetworkDeviceName,first(User-Name) as User-Name,last(_time) as Starttime,first(_time) as Endtime,first(Acct-Session-Time) as DURATION by Acct-Session-Id |
eval Starttime=strftime(Starttime,"%+") |
eval Endtime=strftime(Endtime,"%+") | eval h=floor(DURATION/3600) | eval m=floor((DURATION-(h*3600))/60) | eval s=floor(DURATION-(h*3600)-(m*60)) | eval SessionDuration =h." Hours ".m." Minutes ".s." Seconds" |
table User-Name Starttime Endtime SessionDuration Calling-Station-Id
Works when I email the command. Does not work when i upload it to this post