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Can't get imap app to work


I downloaded the imap app and configured the imap.conf file, but I have two issues. First, the script returns this error:

Enter the password you want to encrypt:
Enter it one more time to make sure you typed it in correctly:openssl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Copy the big ugly string on the line above and paste it into
imap.ini as the value for xpassword.
You can test that it works by running ./

Strange thing is, I did get it to work once. Just once. So, I have put together an imap.conf file using the one encypted password I managed to get.

Second, after configuring the imap.conf file, I get the following error when I run the script to test.

[root@splunk bin]# python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 698, in 
  File "", line 684, in parseArgs
  File "", line 149, in initFromOptlist
    raise ConfigError

I also see this error in the splunkd.log file.

What am I doing wrong?


Erik Swan had me do the following:

cd spunk_home

bin/splunk cmd python etc/apps/imap/bin/ --debug

It should spit out something more useful.

Erik asked me to look at the file etc/apps/imap/local/imap.conf at which point I determined that the imap.conf file I had edited manually was in the wrong location. I copied my edited imap.conf from [splunkroot]/etc/apps/imap/default to [splunkroot]/etc/apps/imap/local and now it works.

Thanks Erik.


Erik Swan had me do the following:

bin/splunk cmd python etc/apps/imap/bin/ --debug

It should spit out something more useful.

I then determined that the imap.conf file I edited manually was in the wrong location. I copied my imap.conf from [splunkroot]/etc/apps/imap/default to [splunkroot]/etc/apps/imap/local and now it works.


According to the Splunkbase entry for imap it was make by Erik. Would Erik happen to be available to comment on this?


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