I've been going through various artifacts relevant to this app. Could this app be used to analyze text, word, pdf, feedback forms, comments or any other fields having complete unstructured data. For example, to reach out at final sentiment from a set of such documents in a directory or set of directories with sub directories having these documents.
There might be some other apps available for such kind of analysis.
Thanks in advance,
Yes, this app works on a field on splunk events. The splunk events can be completely unstructured text. You'd need to index all the documents as separate events, and then use the sentiment app to rate the sentiment of each event (doc).
that will tell splunk that files of sourcetype "myconfigs" (change name to anything) will treat the whole file as one event. Then tell splunk to index your directory where the files are, and set the sourcetype to "myconfigs"
Thanks for the response. Could you please share how to index a document as an event in Splunk. Or please share some pointers to some tutorials where I can find the process to index all the documents in a directory as separate event.