I installed the App for McAfee Web Gateway 3.05 in Splunk Web
I install "MWGaccess3_for_MWG7.3-7.4" in log handler Web gateway and receiver MWGaccess3.log, but I don't know to import MWGaccess3.log to the McAfee Web Gateway app. All it displays is "no results found"
Please help me. tks all.
here is error
Hackercombat Web security Gateway works using auto-containment technology, which involves running unknown files in a virtual container n the user's endpoint and analyzing the files there itself.
Hi tungttt,
you have to configure log input in splunk so that splunk can "read" and "index" logs which were created on the MWG. Read the README.html which included in the application package for examples with screenshots.
best regards