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Add-on for JIRA: Why does it give me "no results found"?


I am very new to Add-on for JIRA. I have referred the website "" and installed the Add-on for JIRA with the current version 2.2.1 locally. The Splunk Enterprise version which I am using is "6.4.2"

When I try to fetch the details of JIRA from Splunk, it gives me no results found. The JQL query which I am trying is below:
| jira jqlsearch "issue = xxx"

  1. Below is the settings which I provided in "bin" folder "config.ini"
    hostname =
    username = xxx
    password = xxx
    jira_protocol = https
    jira_port = 443

  2. Settings in "default" and "local" folder "inputs.conf"
    sourcetype = jira
    interval = 60
    server =
    protocol = https
    port = 443
    jql = issueType in (epic, story)
    fields = *
    username = xxx
    password = xxx
    disabled = 1

  3. Settings in "default" folder "jira.conf"
    default_project = IT OperationsMax = 1000

keys = link,project,key,summary,type,priority,status,resolution,assignee,reporter,created,updated,resolved,fixVersion,components,labels/label

Fields containing durations, force them to return seconds instead of something human-readable. Optional.

time_keys = timeestimate, originalestimate, timespent

Custom fields to display. Optional.

custom_keys =

  1. Settings in "README" folder "inputs.conf.spec" [jira://example] # JIRA server, e.g., server = # username is used to query REST API username = xxx # password is used to query REST API password = xxx # REST API protocol, e.g., https protocol = https # REST API port, e.g., 443 port = 443 # JQL query to filter tickets which are indexed, e.g., issueType in (epic, story) jql = issueType in (epic, story) # Fields to index, a comma separated field list, e.g., key, summary, type. Default is * all fields fields = *

I am unaware, still I need to configure anything else in the above configuration files. Not sure where the issue is lying with or any other additional settings are needed to be configured. We need this for our new project and without setting up with JIRA, we could not proceed further.

So please give me some suggestions for making Splunk-JIRA to work asap.

0 Karma

New Member

All these steps are done ,but not able to receive data from JIRA to Splunk, in the front end of add-on Jira ,could not search any queries.
After these configurations,should we restart splunk ,to see the changes.

0 Karma


Yes, you should restart splunk but I can't guarantee that it will resolve the issue. I'm facing similar issue too but everything is as stated in the Jira add-on doc.

0 Karma


The error will be in /opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/jira.log . The inputs.conf does not need to be configured to run the jira command.

In my recent case I had misstyped the url to connect to in config.ini, and the error was

URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known>
0 Karma

New Member

In my Jira.log file ,i could notice ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded as major error while executing search queries such as |jira filters |table *

Curl command works fine and the connectivity is established but could not fetch data using queries,if someone could help me on this ,would be great.

0 Karma

New Member

Hi Raj,

Could u share the jira configuration details that u corrected ,for this to work,i am also trying to establish connection but facing issues.

0 Karma


Copy the config.ini.sample file and rename it to config.ini
Then include your hostname. My org is (we use Jira cloud)
Include your login information in the username and password spaces. Every other thing should be left as is: https and 443 port

0 Karma


Hi @Flynt,

Any idea on the above issue. I am unable to retrieve the data from Jira at all.
Could you please help me on this.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Can you reach JIRA using curl from the instance that you have Splunk installed on? Replace USER and EXAMPLE with your own values

curl -u USER ""

If you have issues reaching this, it's possible you don't have a route (in which case the command will not work). If you CAN reach it and see your filters with the above try running the command in Splunk thusly.

|jira filters |table *

If THIS works, your connection is fine and you have another issue occurring. Let me know what happens and we can debug from there or you can reach me at the email in my Answers profile.

0 Karma

Path Finder

@Flynt I am having a similar issue where I am getting "2019-08-22 15:34:59,679 INFO pid=22244 tid=MainThread | ADDED 0 events"

I verified curl from the server works. I am unable to run a "| jira". States that the command is not found.

0 Karma


Hi Flynt,

Thanks for your response.

The issue has been resolve and I got the results during last week itself. My Jira configuration details were wrong, so Splunk gave no results. Now everything is working fine.

0 Karma


Does this work for JIRA cloud instance? My configuration details are correct but it isn't working.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Excellent! Happy Splunking!

0 Karma
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