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AD FS Audit Logs (ADFS Audit) XML issues: Why is the RAW not parsing out the XML?

New Member

I am using Splunk TA for Windows infrastructure configured to consume the XML logs.
The problem is the RAW doesn't parse out the XML that is contained w/in the XML log very well (see raw output below)

It parses the "Outer" XML fine, but the "Inner" XML, not so much. (See all the lt; and gt;) > and < is just to get through this WYSIWYG editor

Anyone have good advice on how to get splunk to parse and store this properly?

<Event xmlns=''>
        <Provider Name='AD FS Auditing'/>
        <EventID Qualifiers='0'>1200</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime='2020-05-31T20:31:28.875321100Z'/>
        <Security UserID='S-1-5-21----SID'/>
        <Data>&amp;lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?&amp;gt;
&amp;lt;AuditBase xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="AppTokenAudit"&amp;gt;
    &amp;lt;Component xsi:type="ResourceAuditComponent"&amp;gt;
      &amp;lt;ClaimsProvider&amp;gt;AD AUTHORITY&amp;lt;/ClaimsProvider&amp;gt;
    &amp;lt;Component xsi:type="AuthNAuditComponent"&amp;gt;
    &amp;lt;Component xsi:type="ProtocolAuditComponent"&amp;gt;
    &amp;lt;Component xsi:type="RequestAuditComponent"&amp;gt;
      &amp;lt;ForwardedIpAddress /&amp;gt;
      &amp;lt;UserAgentString&amp;gt;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko&amp;lt;/UserAgentString&amp;gt;


Labels (1)
0 Karma


Option 1:

# Would be good to apply only to the ADFS host if possible

# props.conf
windows_broken_json_1200   = windows_broken_json

# transforms.conf 
FORMAT = $1::$2
REGEX = &lt;(?!(?:headerName|headerValue))([^&/\=]+)&gt;([^&]+)&lt;

Option 2:
# Props.conf
EXTRACT-windows_activity_id       = \<\/System\>\<EventData\>\<Data\>(?<activity_id>[a-fA-F0-9\-]+)\<\/Data\>
EXTRACT-windows_adfs_src          = &lt;IpAddress&gt;(?<src>\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})&lt;/IpAddress&gt;
EXTRACT-windows_adfs_user_id      = &lt;UserId&gt;(?<User_ID>[^&]+)&lt;/UserId&gt;
EXTRACT-windows_adfs_Target_User  = &lt;UserId&gt;([A-Za-z]{1,5}[\/\\]){0,1}(?<Target_User_Name>[^&]+)&lt;/UserId&gt;
EXTRACT-windows_adfs_AuditResult  = &lt;AuditResult&gt;(?<AuditResult>[A-Za-z]+)&lt;/AuditResult&gt;

You probably also want to add a lookup with definitions, etc, for these events since they aren't in the Splunk Windows TA.
Could also update your windows_activity_id to the following if you have 40x events which change the order around...
EXTRACT-windows_activity_id_1 = </System><EventData><Data>(?<instance_id>[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20})</Data><Data>(?<activity_id>[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20})</Data>
EXTRACT-windows_activity_id_2 = </System><EventData><Data>(?<activity_id>[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20}-[a-f0-9]{2,20})</Data>

I would also love to know if there is a comprehensive CIM-compliant app for Windows ADFS logs.
0 Karma


I have an admin on demand ticket open for this right now, did you ever get resolution?

0 Karma

New Member

I'm running into the same problem.  Was there a resolution to this?

0 Karma


I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

0 Karma


I have the same problem.
Only on ADFS audit logs, maybe something to change on the windows server directly instead of touching splunk here?

0 Karma

Super Champion

@samsonusmc ,
Use spath command to extarct field-


0 Karma
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