I have Splunk sitting on a standalone box with hostname "splunk" I am testing triggering alerts to a third party app.
When the alert triggers it sends the host value "Splunk" to the third party app.
I want to be able to change this field to "splunk.domain.org" so that we can launch back into splunk in context from a link that's presented on the third party app as currently http://splunk when I'd like it to be http://splunk.domain.org...
I've tried setting the splunk hostname and tried a few props.conf settings but haven't been able to succeed as yet.
Create etc/system/local/alert_actions.conf
restart Splunk service
Try this, It will work
All of this is done in server.conf
and it varies depending on host OS and other things:
that was one of the first things we tried - setting the splunk hostname in the GUI adds adds an entry to ..
serverName = splunk.domain.org
this did not work it still used the hostname of the server