How to write a cron schedule to execute a search everyday at 9:30am CST in reports ?
30 9 * * *
min hour day month week-day
keep search head time to CST
30 9 * * *
There is no option in splunk's cron to specify timezone, so it'll run at the same timezone as the search heads.
Hi There,
30 9 * * *
I can recommend to help with developing your cron tabs in the future
If the system you are using is running in CST, the cron schedule would be 30 9 * * *
If the system running the report is not in CST, then you need to adjust the values for minutes and hours based on the timezone difference between CST and the timezone of the system.
30 9 * * *
Thanks ...
30 9 * * *
i find this tool pretty useful: