Splunk is not able to send alert/mail. We are getting below error message.
08-02-2016 04:49:05.799 -0500 ERROR ScriptRunner - stderr from '/opt/splunk/bin/python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/bin/sendemail.py "results_link=https:" "ssname=Splunk_D_SLM_IR_SHR" "graceful=True" "trigger_time=1470131342" results_file="/opt/splunk/var/run/splunk/dispatch/schedulercms_Q0NNUy1UQS1vbnByZW0tcGxhdGZvcm0tcmVwb3J0aW5n_RMD5e748673ac079e532_at_1470131340_24_577E0027-6C88-4096-88B0-9AF1F73327F8/results.csv.gz"': ERROR:root:Connection unexpectedly closed while sending mail to: splunk@localhost.localdomain
Can somebody please help here?
Try sending a message via telnet to yourself from the splunk server. If the server can do it via telnet, the problem is somewhere in Splunk/Python. If you cannot send via the command prompt, then the issue could be on the mail server.