I am fairly new to the Splunk platform/ community; I am in learning mode 😞 and I hope to get some help here. How do I set up/configure an alert on a set of Windows Servers to notify me when a particular set of services stops? For example, I have three services that start with the naming of TDB, how can I configure Splunk to alert if any of those services stop on a particular server name. Thanks much.
One important thing - Splunk is not a "monitoring tool". So it will not tell you about the state of the service (unless you have a specific input listing states of services periodically but as far as I know there is no such input by default). You will only be able to see an event saying that the service has stopped or crashed or whatever if such event is logged (and if you're ingesting such events).
Hi @Razzi,
you should define the fields that you can use to identify the fields to use:
Then you should create a lookup (called e.g. perimeter.csv) containing the hosts to monitor (supponing that the three services to monitor must be active in all the servers).
Then you should run a search like the following:
index=<your_index> process IN (TBD1, TBD2, TBD3)
| stats
dc(process) AS process_count
values(process) AS process
BY host
| append [
| inputlookup perimeter.csv
| eval count=0
| fields host count
| stats
dc(process) AS process_count
values(process) AS process
sum(count) AS total
BY host
| where total=0 OR process_count<3
| eval status=if(total=0, "missed host", "missed process")
| table host status process
| rename process AS "present processes"
can you explain me where I put the perimeter.csv and can you show me a little example how this file looks like?
hi @Teddiz ,
perimeter.csv is a csv file containing only one column (host) and the list of the hostname to monitor:
Thx Giuseppe!
Hi @Teddiz ,
good for you, see next time!
let us know if we can help you more, or, please, accept one answer for the other people of Community.
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉